
基因信息已完善,接收到 88 条寻亲线索

  • 籍贯地

    江西省 全部

  • 目前所在地

    海外地区 瑞典

  • 出生日期



  • 需要寻找的亲人


  • 失散原因


  • 失散地区

    江西省 全部

  • 失散日期


  • 失散时年龄范围


  • 失散经过、外貌特征等信息

    I was born on Jan/02/2004(with birth note) , girl , due to some reason beyond the control ,I was found at the gate of the Army Men’s Transfer reception place in Yongfeng county, Jiangxi province on Jan/04/2004. I was sent to local SWI after some related offices help. I am 17 years old , is adopted by a nice family. My adoptive parents love me so much. I am happy and outgoing, creative girl, I like all kind of arts and crafts, I like fitness and shooting, I even won national championship as No. 1 for air rifles shooting. I live in Sweden with good life now. I want to know my birth family and my background. In order to make my life more completely. I try to search my birth parents this years. Thanks them to give me life, and I will not legal suit them or hate them. I want to keep in touch with them, want them know -- I am doing very well now. Kind person, please help me. Thank you

